Having a role model is a great example to grow.

Getting inspired constantly by a person or cause that we admire can help us to overcome obstacles and think about strategies to achieve…

Having a role model is a great example to grow.
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Getting continuously inspired by a person or cause that we admire can help us to overcome obstacles and think about strategies to achieve the things we have planned.

It is quite likely that you’re not in the place you expected to be. Maybe you react to emotions in a way that you don’t want to anymore. That means that you’re in a personal growth process, and this is something great.

One way to get inspired continuously is from the perspective of the ones you admire and that went through the same stuff.

In this case, not only we can think about famous people but also the ones we admire and are very close to us.

Maybe you don’t enjoy reading biographies or checking documentaries about the life of people. In this case, you can check if there is a specific cause or idea you feel inspired by.

But what is truly important is having a reference point, because in the hard times, in the middle of confusion, fear and doubt this could get very helpful to continue without looking back.

Live your life anyway, don’t try to copy the step by step because maybe it can’t fit in your personal context, but get help, read and look for other perspectives when you need to.

What can you have in mind to choose a role model?

  • Look for people that got similar results to the ones you expect.
  • Look for people that have gone through similar stuff to discover how they got to the other side.
  • You can look for inspiring stories that move you to take action.
  • Sometimes it gets difficult to stay inspired. Stay close wether is in social media or in person, to people or causes that keep you motivated to your personal goals.
You can have more than one role model

For your roles as a daughter, son, brother, sister, mother, father, employee, boss and so many more. Get role models for all the ones where you need more guidance.

Just don’t overload, sometimes less is more.

Work in some of the areas you consider most important.

It is essential that you always believe in yourself, but to get a little help is always on hand, so maybe if you have a role model, difficult times will be easier to pass and certainly you’ll be the next great role model to someone else. It is a chain reaction.

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